Farmers & Producers > HANY’S HARVEST


DESCRIPTION: Hany’s Harvest aims to be a bold and honest source of products to enliven the diets and lives of their customers. The flagship line of products is potent apple cider vinegar tonics designed to deliciously promote wellness. Hany’s Harvest was incorporated in March 2017 in Brooklyn and then moved to Catskill, NY, where we employ a fantastic workforce of neuro-diverse individuals to make our products. We have a thriving online market, and are working to expand our brick-and-mortar presence. We are committed to only using the highest quality ingredients and processes in all that we do, while cultivating community. Fire Cider is an herbal infusion formulated to support immune, digestive and respiratory function, and help keep the body healthy year round. Hany’s Harvest currently has five potently delicious flavors, infused with whole organic roots and spices.


PRODUCT CATEGORIES: Beverages, Oils and Vinegars
SUB CATEGORIES: Beverages (non-alcoholic), Oils and Vinegars
KEYWORDS: Gluten-Free, No Artificial / Synthetic Ingredients, Small-Batch, Vegetarian, fire cider, apple cider vinegar, wellness tonic, hanys harvest, earth cider, turmeric ginger, dandelion burdock , root infusion, organic roots, organic spices, infused beverages

CAT:nonalcoholicbeverages CAT:oilsvinegars